
8 Tips For Extreme Weight Loss Method

Apart from the other popular weight loss methods that you have encountered, there are other extreme weight loss methods that exist in the fitness world. The thing is that they are both good and bad and at the same time and they come with side effects in most cases. In short, they are not the healthiest way to lose weight. So as much as they may help you lose weight fast, they may have an effect on your health. So let me take you through some of them:


There are different types of fasting; maybe the one you are used to is the normal denial of food. The type of fasting that is encouraged in weight loss is the replacement of food with a lighter diet. Most of the time, this is done with juice, fruits, or vegetable juices. The reason these diet works is because it limits the calorie intake that we consume.

There is also water fasting which is also common and involves drinking water only and not taking any food for a period of time. This, however, excludes lemon juices or salted water.

The bad thing with this type of weight loss method is that it can lead to heart problems. Others are reported to have fainted while fasting thus posing great health problems to their overall good. Unfortunately, some people even find that they are adding weight rather than losing while fasting because as they slow their metabolic system, the body results to storing energy in form of fats.

Diet Pills

Diet pills are more common with women than men. I may not be able to explain this but I think it is because weight problems are more common among women than men. Some are claimed to be natural while others have chemicals. The good thing is to stick with those diet pills that are from recognized distributors. This is because diet pills that contain active ingredients may have a side effect on your overall health.

What you need to know about diet pills is that they work by suppressing your appetite and thus reducing your food is taking.


There is modernization in this century. I would say it has come with a whole bunch of solutions and problems to anything. Technology is the new shortcut that has claimed the lives of many people as well as health. There is stomach stapling and liposuction, just to mention the few that I know. They sound scary to me, but not as scary as the side effects they come with. They can cause your skin to rot away literally as the wound heals not forgetting that they damage your digestive system.

Without the doubt, this list includes some very risky weight loss methods. If I were you I would go for the natural weight loss tips. But I understand they too limit some people especially those with medical problems or others that are disabled. So if you have no option, go ahead and try these extreme weight loss methods and by the way good luck as you do so.

Use of diuretics

Diuretics are drugs used to increase the amount of urine. Diuretics will not make you lose real weight but only water. People who take Diuretics will have an excessive water loss from their body, and a common side effect is a dehydration. Users of diuretics will lose vital fluids and electrolytes which are important for the proper function of the heart, kidney, and liver.

Protein diet

Protein diet is one of the most dangerous ways of losing weight. Atkins diet is among the most popular protein diets. The creator of this diet believes that carbohydrate makes us gain weight. It is assumed that the lesser carbohydrates we consumed, the slimmer we will be. Pasta is not allowed, vegetables and fruits can be eaten, but only a small amount. On the contrary, meat is to be consumed in a large amount in protein diet. This method has many side effects. The dieter will feel fatigue, nauseous. Consumption of large quantities of proteins is not only bad for your liver and kidneys but it also causes your body to suffer from malnutrition.

Mono diet

Mono diet requires the dieters to choose one particular food which he will have to eat it for one whole week. This diet guarantees to shed 3 - 10 kg of weight in one week. The dieter will have to eat the same kind of food three times a day but they can eat in unlimited quantities. Foods that are commonly used in the mono diet include potatoes, buckwheat, watermelons, grapes, tomatoes, and food that have low calories. Mono diet is unhealthy because it leads to nutrients deficiency, thus weakens the immune system, and makes the bones become fragile. In some cases, the person will even become allergic to that particular food.

Low-fat diet

A low-fat diet is truly an extreme diet. The dieters are not allowed to eat food that contains high fat. It decreases your intake of fatty acids, reduces the absorption of important fat-soluble vitamins and decreases the absorption of important minerals. The fat of meat, dairy, and eggs are the place where fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E, and beta-carotene are found. Low-fat diet not only reduces the intake of crucial nutrients but it also decreases your body's ability to absorb fat-soluble vitamins and carotenes in your diet. Thus, optimal health is impossible to achieve due to malnutrition in the diet.

Balanced diet

A perfect diet is the one on which you can stick on without having to hurt your health. A balanced diet that contains wholesome food for each meal of the day will provide a sufficient supply of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients will help you to achieve optimum health. Moreover, it is great for dieting and helps you to lose weight in a healthy way.

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