
11 Creative Ways You Can Improve Your Fitness Tips For Weight Loss

Fitness is something which we all wish to have. But nowadays, life is moving at a jet speed and this has given rise to a number of factors that are taking a toll on our health and adversely affecting our fitness. Diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, thyroid glands malfunctioning etc. are stealthily creeping into our lives, deteriorating life quality and also shortening lifespan.

Certain bad habits like sedentary lifestyle, junk food habit, lack of physical activity, smoking, drinking etc. have taken us miles away from fitness in the recent times. It is a good thing however that people have started to become aware of the negative impact of these habits and are trying to control them. They are trying to gather fitness tips to stay healthy and happy. This article will provide you with some important fitness tips.

To follow these tips you need not be a fitness freak. Just steer clear of the bad habits and you can automatically abide by the fitness tips.

Here follow the fitness tips:

1. They don’t diet.

Have you ever known someone in really great shape who was constantly trying out every new fad diet?

Yeah, I didn’t think so.

Because for the most part, fit people don’t diet—they make healthy eating a part of their lifestyle.

While I recommend sticking to an 80/20 nutrition plan, ultimately, the key to staying fit and eating healthy is learning to listen to your body. What makes you feel good? What keeps you feeling full and energized throughout the day? What helps you kick ass during your workouts? What keeps you feeling and looking fit?

2. They find a way to enjoy exercise.

If you’re one of those people who absolutely dread every minute of your approaching treadmill workout, and hates it even more once you’re there, it’s time to find a different approach to exercise.

Because more often than not, fit people find a way to actually enjoy—and even look forward to—their workouts.

And while that may not always mean they’re excited to lace up their sneakers and go for a run on a rainy day, it does mean that they like the feeling of being fit and value that more than their desire to sit on the couch.

If you really hate to exercise, the problem may be with your workout, not you. Everyone enjoys different things—I used to hate working out when running was all I did, but ever since I discovered HIT, I can hardly go a day without working out.

3. They prioritize their health and fitness.

While most people let work, family, social engagements and other priorities get in the way of exercise, really fit people make exercise a priority no matter what.

4. They don’t eat perfect 100% of the time.

Sure, there’s that rare person with 5% body fat that refuses even a single bite of chocolate and seems to be ok with it. But most of us need to cheat a little in order to keep our sanity.

Giving yourself a cheat meal or day every once in a while ensures you don’t feel bitter about your healthy diet and go crazy and binge on all the things you’re missing out on.

5. They get a lot of sleep.

If you still think being fit is only about how often you work out, you need to think again. Because one of the top things fit people do to stay healthy and fit isn’t exercise based on all its sleep.

Aim for at least 7-8 hours each night, and you’ll be a healthier, fitter and a happier person overall.

6. They hang around other fit people.

You know that saying, “you are what you eat?” Well, you are who you eat with (and socialize with) as well.

Think about it, if all your friends are constantly getting fast food and donuts for dessert, and always choosing sedentary activities like going to movies or sitting around for hours, what do you think you’re going to do? Probably eat junk and sit around all day too.

On the other hand, if your friends are into healthy cooking, or trying new restaurants with local, fresh ingredients, and want to go bike riding or organize a pickup game of soccer for fun, you’re most likely going to join in and be more active as a result.

7. They stay active outside of the gym

While fit people always make it a priority to get in planned exercise on a regular basis, they don’t limit exercise solely to the gym (or home gym)—they do all they can to stay active outside of their workouts as well.

And most of all, believe in yourself. You can do it. Now go get started.

8. Fitness goals

You have to be very specific about your fitness goals. It is not just enough setting a fitness goal. For instance aim at shedding 2 inches off your waistline through your daily work-outs. If you set 2 inches as your specific target, you will know how much exactly you will have to shed and that will give an impetus to your efforts. However, make sure that you fix realistic fitness goals for yourself. Unrealistic goals will only shatter your confidence.

9. Select your role models

Select your own fitness role-models. Read about them and draw adequate inspiration from their journey. If possible put up their photos on the walls of your exercise room. That will be a constant source of mental boost up for you.

10. Go easy for yourself

Select your own fitness role-models. Read about them and draw adequate inspiration from their journey. If possible put up their photos on the walls of your exercise room. That will be a constant source of mental boost up for you.

11. Take water

A great and proven tip is to drink as much water as you can. Experts recommend that you should have at least 6 to 8 glasses of water every day. The more water you drink, the more sodium and fat you will flush out of your body. Drinking much water helps in suppressing the appetite as well. Drinking approximately 10 glasses per day really help in getting slimmer. Try to consume water before the meal in order to decrease your hunger.

What You Can Learn From Tiger Woods About Low Carb Fad Diets Revealed

With all of the conflicting studies and disclose interpretation of advice, it's no stunner that disorder reigns when it comes to the value and safety of low-carb diets. Whether it's Atkins, the South Beach or another low-carb setup, as many as 30 million Americans are doing a low-carb diet.

Advocates swear that the elevated quantity of carbohydrates in our diet has led to increasing problems with obesity, diabetes, and other health conditions. Critics, on the contrary, attribute obesity and associated health conditions to over-consumption of calories from any source, and the shortage of physical movement. Critics also contend that the shortage of grains, fruits, and vegetables in low-carbohydrate plans may lead to deficiencies of some key nutrients, like fiber, vitamin C, folic acid, and several minerals.

Any plan, either low or high in carbohydrate, can generate substantial weight loss during the primary stages of the diet. But bear in mind, the key to prosperous dieting is in being capable to part with the weight for good. Put another way, what does the scale reveal a year after going off the diet? Let's see if we can debunk some of the mystery around low-carb diets. Further down, is a listing of some relevant points taken from latest studies.

- Differences Between Low-Carb Diets.

There are several popular diets designed to reduce carbohydrate intake. Reducing total carbohydrate in the diet means that protein and fat will represent a proportionately larger quantity of the whole caloric intake. Atkins and Protein Power diets limit carbohydrate to a point where the body becomes ketogenic. Other low-carb diets like the Zone and Life Without Bread are less restrictive. Some, like Sugar Busters, assert to remove only sugars and foods that raise blood sugar levels excessively.

- What We Know about Low-Carb Diets.

Just about all of the studies to date have been small with a broad range of research objectives. Carbohydrate, caloric consumption, diet length and participant characteristics have varied greatly. Most of the studies to date maintain two things in common: Not one of the studies had participants with a mean age above 53 and Not one of the controlled studies lasted longer than three months. Findings on older adults and long-term results are scant. Several diet studies fail to monitor the amount of exercise, and consequently caloric expenditure. This helps to explain discrepancies among studies.

The weight loss on low-carb diets is a business of caloric restriction and diet length, and not with reduced carbohydrate intake. This discovery suggests that if you desire to lose weight, you should eat fewer calories and do so for a prolonged duration. Little data exists on the long-range safety of low-carb diets. In spite of the medical community concerns, no short-term adverse effects have been established on cholesterol, glucose, insulin and blood-pressure levels amongst participants on the diets. Adverse effects may not be exposed because of the short period of the studies. Researchers have found that losing weight typically leads to an improvement in these levels anyway, and this may offset an increase caused by a high-fat diet.

The extended range weight difference for low-carb and other types of diets is comparable. Most low-carb diets invoke ketosis. Some of the potential consequences are nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and confusion. During the first stages of low-carb dieting, some fatigue and constipation may be encountered. Usually, these symptoms go away quickly. Ketosis may also give the breath a fruity odor, somewhat similar to nail-polish remover (acetone).

Low-carb diets do not permit the consumption of more calories than other types of diets, as has been frequently reported. A calorie is a calorie and it doesn't matter whether they originate from carbohydrates or fat. Study discrepancies are likely the effect of uncontrolled circumstances; i.e. diet participants that cheat on calorie intake, calories burned during exercise, or any number of other factors. The drop-out rate for rigorous low-carb diets is somewhat high.

What Should You Do?

There are 3 significant points I would like to re-emphasize:

- The long-range success rate for low-carb and other types of diets is comparable.

- Despite their acceptance, little data exists on the long-term efficacy and safeness of low-carbohydrate diets.

- Rigorous low-carb diets are generally not sustainable as a routine way of eating. Boredom most often overcomes willpower.

It is clear after reviewing the subject, that more, well-designed and controlled studies are required. There just isn't a lot of satisfactory information available, especially regarding long-range effects. Strict low-carb diets generate ketosis which is an unusual and potentially stressful metabolic state. Under some circumstances, this may cause health-related complications. The diet you choose should be a blueprint for a lifetime of better eating, not just a hasty weight loss plan to reach your goal. If you can't see yourself consuming the prescribed foods longer than a few days or a week, then chances are it's not the proper diet for you. To this end, following a somewhat low-fat diet with a healthy balance of fat, protein, carbohydrate and other nutrients is beneficial.

If you do resolve to follow a low-carb arrangement, bear in mind that certain dietary fats are associated with the reduction of disease. Foods high in unsaturated fats that are free of trans-fatty acids such as olive oil, fish, flaxseeds, and nuts are preferred to fats from animal origins. Even promoters of the Atkins diet now say men and women on their system should curb the amount of red meat and saturated fat they eat. Atkins representatives are telling health professionals that just 20 percent of a dieter's calories should come from saturated fat (i.e. meat, cheese, butter). This switch comes as Atkins faces contention from other popular low-carb diets that call for less saturated fat, such as the South Beach diet plan.

Another alternative to "strict" low-carb dieting would be to give up some of the bad carbohydrate foods but not "throw out the baby with the bathwater". In other words, foods high in processed sugar, snacks, and white bread would be avoided, but foods high in complex carbs such as fruits, potatoes, and whole grains, retained.

11 Weight Loss Myths Secrets You Never Knew

Every regime has its supply of useless folklore and half-truths that get passed on down the line from person to person. But I'd put weight loss up against any of them for what has to be the most time wasting and even the most dangerous myths out there.

There is a ton of free advice seen in the media these days and if it is taken seriously, can really set you back on your weight loss endeavors. This can lead to the kind of frustration that makes people think they are "destined to remain fat for life”.

This is not true, Have a look at the Weight loss myths below and draw your own conclusions.

1. Exercise on an empty stomach and burn more fat.

Effective weight loss is the total amount of calories burned during the day, not how or why they were burned.  It doesn't matter if it is night or morning or exercises early in the day has no advantage to exercise later in the day.

Studies show that increased metabolism induced by anaerobic exercise is actually less after a large meal. Which probably means that more energy is being used for digestion than what is being used to repair muscle.

2. More exercise is better.

Every exercise session is beneficial to each individual, however, more is not always better. It depends on what is trying to be achieved. There are a level and frequency required to achieve results.

After this level is reached, additional exercise can have the opposite effect, not allowing the body to
recuperate and adapt to the stress induced by the exercise, which can be detrimental to your results.

3. After stopping exercise muscle will turn to fat.

This is not possible, Muscle and fat are two different types of tissues in the body and you cannot convert one into the other. This is like trying to turn water into milk. If you stop training, the muscles will shrink in size - and do not disappear. The more calories taken in that are not burned off will be deposited as fat.

4. If you’re not sweating, you’re not working hard enough.

Sweating is the body's way of cooling itself down. Many factors contribute to body temperature, including room temperature, types of exercise done, body-fat levels, clothing, and exercise intensity. The intensity of exercise can't be judged by the amount you sweat.

A well-trained person will often sweat a lot because their body can more efficiently regulate heat.

5. Taking sugar before exercise to raise energy levels.

Ingestion of sugar will lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. This rapid rise stimulates a release of insulin, which quickly removes the excess sugar from the blood system, often causing your blood sugar levels to drop, sometimes below the level that it started at, leading to faster exhaustion.

6. Gaining weight is just a part of getting older.

Getting older is not an excuse for gaining weight! As we age and begin a more sedentary lifestyle we start to lose muscle mass. The efficiency of your metabolism is directly linked to how much muscle you have on your body. The most the efficient way of maintaining your body's muscle mass and keeping your metabolism from dropping,is by doing a high-intensity strength training workout once a week.

7. X is the best form of exercise.

Claims like this are usually based on marketing strategy and personal bias. Even when claims are based on factual information, they have little practical value to the average exerciser. The most important thing is to choose an activity that you like, and perform it properly and consistently.

8. If it’s fat-free I can have as much as I want.

Unfortunately fat-free doesn't mean calorie free. The word fat-free is misleading because if you
overeat on anything, even fat-free foods and you don't burn off those calories, your body will
store the excess as fat.

9. Don't drink water when you exercise or you will get cramps.

By drinking litres of icy cold water in one go while exercising you will probably suffer from cramps.  This is why it is important to drink water continuously before, during and after exercise to replace the fluid you've lost and avoided any discomfort.

10. By not having a personal trainer I won't make gains.

Hiring a personal trainer is one way you can use to reach your goals, but you are an adult capable of making decisions and setting your own goals once you have the knowledge of how to go about it.
Following a good exercise program and the eating plan does not require someone standing over you and telling you how to do it.

11. By exercising my abs I will lose my pot belly.

Exercising your abdominals will help to tone and firm the abdominal region, but it will not reduce fat deposits that are responsible for a pot belly. Fat reduction comes from burning more calories than you take in. Fat is reduced uniformly throughout the body there is no such thing as spot reduction.

11 Essential Examples Of Weight Loss Supplement

Various methods of weight loss involve the use of supplements to help you to lose weight. There is little regulation regarding these supplements. It is very important that you research the supplements used in the weight loss program you choose. Some of these supplements may have harmful side effects. Keep your health and safety first in your mind when starting a new program or diet to lose weight.

Some of the common supplements used to help you lose weight are:


Hoodia is an herbal supplement that is very popular in programs designed to help you lose weight. It is used as an appetite suppressant. It should be noted that there have not been any human clinical trials for Hoodia. Hoodia is very popular dieting supplement. There is a problem in the supplement industry regarding Hoodia counterfeits. It has been estimated that more than half the Hoodia products do not use real Hoodia. You should try and research the company and make sure that you are getting real Hoodia products.


This is an antioxidant that can be found in brown seaweed. It is showing great promise in aiding people wishing to lose belly fat. Remember, there have not been any human clinical trials yet. Fucoxanthin is a good antioxidant and is not a stimulant. This supplement shows great promise.


Guarana is a plant in the Amazon rainforest. The seeds of the plant are a rich natural source of caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant and is used as a supplement to lose weight and raise your energy levels. You should note that caffeine can stimulate your heart and central nervous system.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is used as a natural appetite suppressant and fat burner. Apple Cider Vinegar is included in many diets plans to lose weight. It does this by helping to suppress your appetite. This supplement has even sparked its own diet plan.


This is a mineral and it is popular in supplements. It is used to help metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and protein. It is used to promote weight loss and also for diabetes control. If you suffer from any health problems you should consult your doctor before starting a supplement program that contains chromium.


This Asian plant was once used in many dieting supplements. It was used by many people who wanted to lose weight fast but the FDA banned Ephedra after there were several deaths attributed to taking the supplement. It is very important when buying supplements over the Internet, that you make sure they are Ephedra-free.


This supplement comes from chitin, which comes from crab shells. It is popular because it is believed to prevent the absorption of fat molecules in our intestines. If you are allergic to shellfish you should not take Chitosan. Chitosan appears to be a promising supplement to promote weight loss.

Bitter Orange

Bitter Orange became very popular after Ephedra was taken off the market. It has an energy-boosting effect similar to Ephedra. You should not use this supplement with another source of caffeine. If you have heart problems you should not take Bitter Orange.

Green Tea

Green tea has become an extremely popular supplement. It has tremendous antioxidant properties and has been shown to increase weight loss.

These are some of the more popular herbal elements that make up most weight loss supplements. You should definitely use supplements to help you lose weight. You should research the weight loss program you are interested in to make sure the supplements used are safe.

Using natural herbal supplements should only be one part of your weight loss program. Exercise should also be a big part of any weight loss program. Exercise first, and then use weight loss supplements to help lose weight.

Caralluma Fimbriata

A newcomer to the weight loss arena, Caralluma Fimbriata is being touted as the next big thing in weight loss products.Caralluma is a succulent cactus found in India and has apparently been used for many years as an appetite suppressant by the Indian people.

It is known as a famine food due to its ability to suppress appetite when food supply is limited. Caralluma Fimbriata grows in the wild in various areas of India and is believed to stop the formation of fat which in turn makes the body burn fat reserves for energy. The end result being weight loss and reduced craving for food.


Propolene is being used widely in supplements and pills for weight loss. Its common functions include suppressing our diet and fat burning. It forms a fiber mass once it reaches our stomach, stimulating our brains that there is no hunger since the stomach is filled. If you are looking forward to losing a large amount of weight or fat, propolene is the ingredient that you should be looking for when buying weight loss supplements.

Top 5 Amazing Categories Of Yoga For Weight Loss

Yoga is gaining popularity around the nation. It's very posh to have a yoga mat tucked under your arm, with your gym bag slung over your shoulder as you casually quip "I'm off to my yoga class." But is yoga your best bet for weight loss?

Well to answer that we need to find look at what it takes to lose weight. To lose weight you need to raise your heart rate to about 65% of its maximum heart rate threshold (To find out how to figure your maximum heart rate threshold read my blog, What is Your Fat Burning Heart Rate?)

So the answer is yes you can lose weight by doing yoga if it elevates your heart rate sufficiently. Which brings us to the next question, which type of yoga raised the heart rate enough to bring about weight loss?

If you have ever Googled yoga you have found out that there are several types of yoga with a seemingly endless number of yoga classes available in each. But the question remains, which types are best for weight loss?

The Top 5 Types of Yoga for Weight Loss

Of all the different types of yoga these three are the best for weight loss:

This is a very intense and vigorous yoga. It is very physically demanding because it is comprised of a series of poses performed in a particular order in a particular rhythm. Since you are moving constantly from one pose to the next your heart rate remains in its target range for fat burning. So Ashtanga yoga is a good type for those wanting to lose weight.

Power Yoga
This is a more intense, fitness-focused version of vinyasa-style yoga that is breath-based movement. Power yoga is very much like Ashtanga yoga except it doesn't follow a set series of poses. Power yoga poses are performed in various order thus allowing classes to be different from class to class. It also appeals to people who are practicing yoga from more of a fitness than a spiritual point of view.

A 95 - the 100-degree room is what is needed for Birkram vinyasa-style yoga. Hot Yoga is also known as Bikram Yoga. It is is a type of Hot yoga that is similar to Ashtanga yoga and consists of a series of 26 poses. It is very intense and physically demanding. Greater flexibility and deep stretching are at the root of this type of yoga.

Let's start by saying that Hatha yoga is an intensive, low impact exercise, involving lots of stretching and conditioning that helps the blood flow more smoothly, and which aids in healthy digestion.

One of the main goals of yoga is to maintain the intestinal organs in order to improve digestion and minimize the amount of undigested food or waste in our bodies without having to resort to invasive cleansing routines.

The purpose of Vinyasa Yoga is to completely cleanse the practicing individual internally, both on a spiritual as well as a physical level. Tradition has it that this age-old practice actually helps the individual outwardly also, as in preparing for life's' challenges and events.

The breathing process itself is designed to manipulate the palate, a process that results in vibrations caused by the breathing/physical movement mix, in the practitioner's mouth, and heat up the breath as they inhale. As with most Yoga techniques, the sweating process is intended to cleanse the body.

Only you can determine what your wellness goals are. Generally, yoga encompasses the body, mind, and spirit. Therefore most styles are aimed at strengthening all three aspects of the person or specific aspects of the person breath and movement but not rigorous activity.

7 Best Herbal Teas For Weight Loss

The weight loss industry has become a big business... even herbal tea manufacturers are jumping on the bandwagon at this epidemic phenomenon. 7 best herbal teas for weight loss explores the nature and 'actions' of popular herbal tea blends that help with weight loss and weight control.

Having to consider losing weight and hearing that four lettered word... D-I-E-T... is something that makes the majority of us cringe with despair. Whether it's starving you on the latest fad diet, or spending ridiculous amounts of money on the newest weight loss program - that make big (yet mostly false) claims to radically reduce your weight in the quickest amount of time - most of us will succumb to this false ideology that looking slim is 'in'.

Herbal teas are a cheaper and healthier alternative to helping with weight loss. But don't be fooled for one second that just solely drinking herbal teas will achieve this. The truth is, there is no magic drink, or pill, or lotion or potion for that matter that can help you lose weight without much effort on your part. The keyword is 'helping' and herbal teas are considered an excellent tonic for aiding weight control and in maintaining a healthy body.

The mantra of regular exercise and a balanced diet may be hard work to fight the bulge but at least it wouldn't compromise your health in the long run.


Known as the "little plant that roars", it has natural diuretic and laxative properties to remove water and food weight before digestion begins and help your body reduce the feeling of 'feeling bloated'. Many avid dieters believe that diarrhea keeps their bodies from absorbing calories or fat but this is not the case and could lead to dehydration and dependency on laxatives. Dandelion is also a beneficial aid for digestion and because of its mild laxative properties, it can help in bowel movements to become more regular.

Chai Tea

Chai tea for weight loss has been debated by many experts. Some individuals are not favored with the idea that indeed Chai tea can help you sculpt your body and remove excess weight. They would say that the concoction would rather make you gain extra calories due to the milk and sugar added in the blending.

Chai tea is basically a combination of black tea, milk, honey and other herbs that are beneficial to your body. If Chai uses sugar instead of honey as a sweetener, then perhaps you have the reason to doubt its effectiveness in aiding weight loss.

Green Tea

Despite not being classed as a herbal tea (as its leaves come from the actual tea plant 'camellia sinensis'), Green Tea has had the most extensive research carried out that has been proven to be very effective in weight loss. This is due to the 'polyphenol' component which is responsible for its slimming effects. It also contains caffeine which gives the drink its stimulant effects and can increase metabolism which helps to burn fat and calories. It is these reasons why the ingredients in Green Tea are widely used in popular diet pills.

Those suffering from anemia should take caution when drinking Green Tea, as it could lead to a reduction in iron absorption in your body which could cause iron deficiency.


Guarana's main ingredient is 'guaranine' which is identical to caffeine. It can act as a stimulant to accelerate body functions such as increasing the heart rate, digestion, and respiration due to its caffeine content. It is also a diuretic and can stimulate the nervous system and help you fight depression and cope with stress, thus it may help you to avoid 'emotional eating' which is one of the main causes of weight gain. Due to its high caffeine content, those suffering from sleep disorders and anxiety problems should be wary when taking this in large doses.

Hoodia Gordonii

Hoodia Gordonii is known as a 'natural appetite suppressor' and has been used for centuries by South African Khoisan herders to endure long periods without food or water, whilst they were hunting and gathering. It contains the active ingredient, known as P57 which is responsible for appetite suppression that can "fool" the mind into thinking the stomach is full so you are not tempted to snack as much. Caution should be taken as long-term use could lead to addiction and malnutrition.

Siberian Ginseng

It is known as the "king of tonics", Siberian Ginseng is a popular herb to use for its ability to stabilize blood sugar levels thus reducing the desire to eat sugar and sweets. However, people who suffer from high blood pressure, narcolepsy (frequent and uncontrollable deep sleep) or taking blood-thinning drugs should avoid it.

It can stimulate the nervous system and act on the pituitary and adrenal glands to give you stamina and help combat fatigue. An increase in stamina means you can work out for longer without feeling tired! Also used to treat nervous disorders, exhaustion, strengthen organs, increases mental ability and a powerful antidote to stress and problems with aging.

Camellia Sinensis

The Camellia sinensis contains a rich dosage of antioxidants, essential nutrients like the vitamins and minerals that are crucial to maintaining a healthy body.

The antioxidants present in this tea are the polyphenols. The polyphenols particularly the catechins inhibit your body from gaining weight. As a whole, the antioxidants protect you from free radicals and from different health issues like cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, rheumatism, cholesterol, high blood sugar level, impaired immune system, and even cancers.

Best Benefit Of Cinnamon For Weight Loss Tips You Will Read This Year

Cinnamon is normally used to add delicious flavor to baked goodies, but many are finding that this spice also can provide important health benefits such as lowering bad cholesterol levels, regulating blood sugar levels and helping to lose weight fast.

Cinnamon is produced by a native evergreen tree of South Asia. It has been used for centuries and was once regarded as a highly valued spice due to its medicinal properties. It has been and continues to be used to improve many ailments as well as to boost physical and mental well being. Today it has become popular in helping to lose weight as well as helping to prevent the weight from returning.

When consuming cinnamon, it causes the body heat to increase. This speeds up the metabolism and helps burn calories as well as fat deposits within the body. With this process, weight is reduced and other conditions that can be caused by being overweight such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes are improved. Because cinnamon has been shown in studies to reduce LDL cholesterol and reduce blood sugar levels while raising insulin levels, conditions associated with obesity are improved while weight is reduced.

Cinnamon also provides antioxidant benefits, which also help in weight reduction. This provides a cleansing action to the body, helping to eliminate harmful toxins and fats. For maximum benefits, cinnamon should be combined with honey for weight loss. It can also be helpful with improving conditions such as headaches, colds, urinary and bladder infections, arthritis, heart conditions, migraines, and diarrhea as well as prevent hair loss, bad breath, and digestive problems.

For maximum weight loss benefits, drinking tea with cinnamon and honey can promote rapid weight loss. Tea is prepared by adding one teaspoon each of cinnamon powder and honey to boiled water. If using cinnamon sticks, one to two sticks should be used. Boiled water should be allowed to brew for a few minutes before straining through a filter or strainer.

To understand this benefit, it is needed to look overall effect first. When your blood sugar rises rapidly from the food you eat, insulin is released by your body to neutralize the effects of the sugar. Actually, the primary role of insulin is to carry glucose into the cells stored for future use. Therefore when blood sugar spikes, much insulin will be thrown which result in excess fat storage and inefficient use of nutrients.

As one property of cinnamon to regulate blood sugar level, then this can lead to lower amounts of insulin in the body. The food intake thus has been less stored as fat and been used more efficiently by metabolic processes. The result from a study shows that by taking only 1-6 grams of cinnamon a day for 40 days, blood glucose level is reduced by 18-29%.

Using cinnamon to lose weight fast should be combined with proper diet and exercise. Diet should include plenty of fruits and vegetables, less fried foods, and fewer sugars. Cinnamon can interact with some medications as it does contain anti-clotting factors as well as blood thinning substances. When using cinnamon for weight loss, avoid using large amounts as certain types of cinnamon such as cassia cinnamon can cause liver and kidney damage. Always consult with a physician before starting any new diet plan.